Ganache + bc

digestive biscuits crumbs+
Ingredients for the filling:
100g sugarless natural yogurt
150ml yakult
1 tbsp lemon juice
150ml non-diary whipping cream
1 tbsp gelatin
3 tbsp sugar
150ml water
Grated lemon zest
*Jello Topping:
1/3 pkt Jello
120ml hot water
1/2 tsp gelatin
(*Yg ni aku guna instant jelly powder. korang boleh je guna serbuk jelly brand nona tu ke..ikut arahan pada bungkusan)
- Mix the digestive biscuits crumbs with melted butter, and press firmly to the base of the cake pan. Chill for later use.
- Dissolve gelatin and sugar with water. Set aside to cool.
- Beat yogurt, yakult and lemon juice until well blended. Add cooled gelatin solution and mix well.
- Whip the non-diary whipping cream till mousse state.
- Add the yogurt mixture to the whipped cream and mix well.
- Pour the combined mixture onto the cake base.
- Sprinkle the lemon zest on the surface of the cake.
- Chill in the fridge to set.
- Boil all Jello topping ingredients using very low heat until dissolved. (Not supposed to bring to boil.)
-When the cake is set, spoon the cooled Jello solution on the cake and refrigerate again.
C&P dari fail yg diberi..malas nak taip..kekeke
250ml air
125gm butter
150gm tepung gandum-ayak
Garam + Gula Secukup Rasa
4 Biji telur
Cara Buat
Didihkan air + Butter hingga cair. Masukkan tepung.Gaul sebati make sure adunan tak melekat di periuk. Angkat & sejukkan pada suhu bilik
Bila dah sejuk,pukul sedikit ngan masukkan telur sebijik2...[den buh esen vanilla bagi wangi] garam + Gula
pastu paipkan la atas dulang pembakar
bakar 25min dgn 200 C
500 ml susu segar [leh yo guno susu cair]
100gm gula
80gm tepung custard
Kacau bahan2 kat atas di ‘darat’ sebelum di tenggekkan kat api
Masak atas api hingga pekat.
++Filling ni masukkan bila Pastry di atas dah siap masak++