Benda pertama kena buat...aku copy dulu rules nih..
“The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tagged 6 people.”
Eventhough it is simple tp dah nak kematu aku dok kat sini..layannnnzzz
1. I am a working mum with 2 heroes
3. My favorite place is (are) my kitchen n beach
5. My favorite drink(s) is (are) tea n fruit juice
8. I live in Serdang, Selangor
Cemano nak cari gambar yg menunjukkan serdang.
Nah hambik gambar wakil rakyat tempat aku hahahahha...Dato' Dr. Satim Diman
10. My college was

12. My hobby(ies) is (are)

I am tagging:
a. ibu emiralisa (byk masa freekan...sila jawab ye)
b. Capt. Pait (ashker mana pernah bz kannnnn)
c. En. Buncit (eh bz xperasan)
d. Cik Momot (sudi2kan la)
f. Cik Palina (at least you have something to update(*_*) Dun get stress!)
g. Mr. Boban (ala layan!)
arghhhh dah kol 2 am. nak tido....
kak, x gheti la nk buat camni. hahaha.. mcm buta IT plak. adoiii.. byk keje.. nnti2 free sy buat la ek.. daa...
p/s : nnt nk mtk resepi yek.
biasala...bila 'diorg' sudah tiada, simpan semua 'kerja' itu, jgn dilupakan gitu (nyani ikut rentak ye)...waaa habis la kita lepas ni...
Resepi? Klu didlm pengetahuan den buleh la yo!
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