Semalam aku makan malam sensorang. My hubby was in a afternoon shift - end @12am. Masa tu dlm pukul 8++, Berita Utama TV3. Keluar la berita tentang kekejaman Israel ke atas bumi Palestine. Bila nak start tu keluar la mcm slide view gambar2 budak2 kecik yg dah biru berkafan, yg menangis dengan tiub di sana-sini badan, org tua berdarah2 muka, ada yg pecah bahagian mata....Allahuakbar...kejamnya mereka (Israel) ini. Dan aku tidak mampu menghabiskan nasi bila melihat seorg lelaki dewasa menarik nafas seakan menanggung azab kesakitan...tu lelaki dewasa..apatah lagi anak2 yg tidak berdosa. Aku kena pisau sikit pun dah nak meraung..Budak2 tu aku rasa sekitar umur anak2 kami juga...sedihnya. Biarla sehebat2 bala menyerang puak Israel jahanam tu..Amin.
Ni artikel aku jumpa:
"On Monday [29 December], around 11:50 P.M., I woke up and heard my husband calling to me: “Samira, Samira, they shelled the mosque, get up and see, and recite the Shahada (Prayer of the dying).” It was dark, and I couldn’t see anything. I recited the Shahada. I felt something heavy choking me and pressing on my body. I was buried under a concrete clock, stones, and sand, and barely managed to move. I succeeded in freeing my hand and pushed aside the things that had fallen on me. I got up and went to look for my children. I found Bar’a, my two-week-old daughter. She was alive, even though her bed was buried under the ruins. I saw my husband getting out of the ruins, and I handed Bar’a to him.
I then went to look for my son Muhammad, who was sleeping next to me. At first, I didn't see him because of the rubble, but I found him alive under the ruins. I managed to free him, and I gave him to one of the people who came to help clear away the rubble.
In the meantime, I continued to look for my daughters. Their bedroom was covered with blocks of concrete and stones and sand. Other people helped me look for them. I was very weak because I had been injured in the head, and I was taken to Kamal ’Adwan Hospital.
At the hospital, I learned that five of my daughters – Tahrir, Ikram, Samar, Dunia, and Juhar – had been killed, and three were wounded. Muhammad was injured all over his body, mostly in the face."
Tahrir, 17, Iman, 16, Ikram, 14, Samar, 12, Samah, 10, Dunia, 7, Juhar, 4, Muhammad who’s a year and a half (lebih kurang Najmi) and Bar’a, who’s two weeks old.

Ni gambar dari Berita Harian, 6 Jan 09..Sedihnya, ketiga2 anak lelaki tu meninggal dunia..aku x leh nak tahan air mata tengok gambar ni..apa dosa anak kecil tu..