Now, I am eager to learn more about agriculture. If you realize the global current issues is - foods. Everybody keep talking how to increase food production. For asean, of course rice is the main issue. But this entry i wont write about rice yet. Maybe later hehehhe. Tengah kumpul ilmu.
Below is one of my current project. Penanaman cili.
I put together a coin of 20 cent beside the chilli. Easy for you to imagine the actual size. Its look small but it is really hot. I already show it to Prof. Hanafi (my superior now) but i dunno what will he do. Now he is bz'ing with upland rice (padi bukit/huma) research, jatropha and kenaf (for biodiesel), errr what else...cannot think...
Why i can update this blog almost daily:p? Because he is not around for a week. He went to Turkey for conference. So, berdondang sayang la I kat office seminggu ni lalalalala..lepas ni berabuk la blog ni jawapnya.
The next entry I will share with you how to plant chilli.
nanti gua dtg serdang, pastikan mung asingkan anak pokok cili tuh 1 utk gua tau....muakahkahkahkahkahkiok...gua nk bertani dpn umah
ewahhhh...dah ada 1 sesuai utk disemai..gua simpan nnt utk lu..
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